Postoperative Care


Postoperative Care

Extending healthcare beyond hospital walls

Minttihealth helps in handing off patients from the hospital to the primary care provider, the community programs or caregivers to keep post-operative patients comfortable and healthy.

Reduces pressure on health infrastructure and lower rehospitalization rates

Minttihealth helps to provide care at home for post-op patients. It will contribute vastly to ensuring higher availability of hospital beds, reducing pressure on health infrastructure, and lowering rehospitalization rates.

Vital signs can provide more accurate recording and assessment for post-operative patients.

Patients can easily self-monitor critical vitals at home while being connected to their doctors after a surgery. Mintt Vision catches daily vitals & generates an index to signal possible medical issues for preventive care.

Bringing post-operative care directly to patients’ home

With Mintti Vision, hospital grade care delivery can be provided at home to identify deteriorating patients after surgery. If post-operative patients can be at home in a familiar setting or surrounded by families and friends, they have better outcomes at a lower cost.

Keep your patients’ data secure and private

All data may directly transmitted to App & cloud, which ensures complete data ownership along with comprehensive security & privacy.

Start to bring post-operative care innovation directly to patient homes.