
#Healthcare #DigitalStethoscope #MedicalInnovation #Minttihealth #SmartDigitalStethoscope #DigitalStethoscopeforMedicalUse #AdvancedSmartStethoscope #WirelessDigitalStethoscope #DigitalStethoscopeTechnology #SmartStethoscopeFeatures #ConnectedStethoscopeforHealthcare #BestSmartStethoscope #SmartStethoscopeBenefits #SmartStethoscopeforTelemedicine #SmartStethoscopeReviews #AIPoweredDigitalStethoscope #IoTStethoscopeinHealthcare #RemotePatientMonitoringStethoscope #FutureofDigita Stethoscope #StethoscopewithMobileAppIntegration #AIEnhancedStethoscope #DigitalStethoscopeforPhysicians #SmartStethoscopewithHeartSoundAnalysis #StethoscopewithEHRIntegration #Healthcare #Medicine #Doctor #Hospital #Clinic #Nurse #Patient #Treatment #Diagnosis #Surgery #Emergency #Healthinsurance #Wellness #Rehabilitation #Mentalhealth #Geriatrics #Pediatrics #Medicaldevicecompanies #Healthcaretechnology #Medicalequipmentsolutions #Healthcareinnovation #Medicaldevicedevelopment #Healthcareproductdesign #Medicaldevicemanufacturing #Healthcaresoftwaresolutions #Medicaldeviceconsulting #HealthcareIoT (InternetofThings) #Medicaldeviceregulation #Healthcareproducttesting #Medicaldevicemarketing #Healthcaresupplychainmanagement #Medicaldevicequalitycontrol #Healthcaredatasecurity #Medicaldeviceprototyping #Healthcaredeviceintegration #Medicaldeviceresearchanddevelopment (R&D) #Healthcareproductlaunch#Smart Stethoscope #Ai-PoweredStethoscope #DigitalStethoscope #NewStethoscope MinttihealthStethoscope #Covid-19 #Smartho-D2 #MinttiSmartho #Pandemic #Ecg-Enabled DigitalStethoscope #PediatricAuscultationApplication #RemoteAndWirelessReal-TimeAuscultation #ElectronicStethoscope #CardiologyStethoscope # ElectronicStethoscope #CardiologyForTeachingForTelemedicine #Hospitalist Stethoscope #StethoscopeForDoctors #WirelessStethoscope #StethoscopeUsedAtHome


The COVID-19 pandemic exposed various flaws and unacceptable status quo in the world’s healthcare system

The strain COVID put on the healthcare system heightened the need for adoption and usage of various digital health devices.

The COVID-19 pandemic hit the accelerator on digital technology adoption in healthcare

The pandemic has reset the way consumers interact with healthcare providers, with expectations of higher levels of personalization and engagement.

The COVID has resulted in a broader adoption of telehealth among hospitals, health systems and providers

Telehealth can improve monitoring, timeliness, and communications within the healthcare system, avoid unnecessary visits to emergency rooms or urgent care centers for healthcare issues that can be solved over video or phone, and help individuals avoid COVID-19 infection.

More value to be captured with integrated patient-focused health solutions driven by COVID-19

Integrated health solutions with Minttihealth enable patients to

✔ initiate virtual care anytime, anywhere;

✔ monitor their blood pressure, SPO2,temperature,
respiratory rate, heart rate etc. safely and remotely at home;

✔ get timely expert reports and early health warnings;

✔ take care of their health easily at home and achieve a better state of wellness;

✔ avoid clinic visits during the pandemic;

✔ get a second opinion to ensure the most accurate diagnosis from experts.

The adoption and usage of digital health platforms with Minttihealth


Need a tailored point solution or platform solution during the COVID-19 pandemic?